Changes to whiplash reform laws

Whiplash reforms have been in effect since the end of May 2021 in the UK.

The reforms have introduced changes in the legal process for RTA whiplash claims. There are fixed damages tariffs introduced for RTA claims of whiplash. The reforms have also increased the cost limit of claims via RTA small claims. This was £1,000. It has been increased to £5,000.

The legal costs and damage awards for the RTA small claims track are smaller. As a result, the reforms will have the knock-on effect of reducing the fees of many law firms for these cases.

In addition, the reforms have made it easier to submit RTA personal injury claims, and the increased maximum damage claim for the RTA small claims track means more cases can be dealt with on the small claims track, which is faster and more effective than other routes.

The managing director of National Accident Law, Adam Nabozny, stated: “We’ve been planning for these changes for several years.”

Adam further added with enthusiasm that National Accident Law aims to: “help people with all types and values of personal injury claim, whilst striving to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible.”

Regional law firms are also preparing for changes in the level of compensation that can be awarded in small claims.

Natasha Batty from Natasha Hall Law  explains what you now need to know to make a whiplash claim

Understand if you are eligible to make a claim; for example have you suffered from a whiplash injury in the last 3 years (if not you may be unable to make a claim due to time restraints).

The RTA must also have someone else’s fault.

You can claim at any time on behalf of a minor (under the age of 18) at the time of the accident.

The three-year limit will be applicable after their 18th birthday, and they have until they are 21 to make the claim.

Gather evidence of your whiplash accident. Under new rules, you must have a medical report to support your claim before you can pursue it.

Claims without a medical expert report cannot be pursued.

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